
Android App compability

For some reason the Android app stopped working can this be fixed, please? Having purchased the Aircross 3 I have no way of utilizing things like the timelapse because there isn't an app I can use for it. 

I have same compatibility issue when I installed Moza Genie android app on Huawei NOVA 10 SE. Any solution OR other alternate app to work with moza mini.

Conclusion, after reading the entire forum - BEFORE buying - you are needed, and then....As they say, TIPS AND TRICKS((((

The support service advised you to contact the new support center here. MOZA AIR - just stopped connecting to a smartphone, connecting to a PC - the server is unavailable, both for gimbal and for the remote. That is, to change the response speed of the stabilizer - in any way??? Great product! I decided to update the stub, but MOZA is not being considered yet in principle.

Any word on wether the Android 12 and Moza Genie compatibility have been fixed?

They can Nick but it's a pain in the a**, there are instructions on Youtube for anyone who wants to give it a try for sure. 

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Way to go Billings. Now we have an answer to why the Android 12 doesn’t work with the Moza apps. Very unfortunate. Can Android users step down an OS?

Found my wife's old phone which is on Android 11, the app works and connects to my Aircross 3, this is for sure something happening with the Android 12 upgrade which is not a surprise as it's caused a host of issues across the board. 

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.

I'll grab a device later and will give it a try to see what happens. I may have an old Cell phone running around I can use for that. 

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Does anyone have a lower Android system that is working with the Moza Apps?
Lots of apps not working since the Android 12 patch...

That's the issue I ran into with the APK, I even tried a third-party APK installer with no luck. Not sure what the deal is and why support is having so much trouble with the latest android update but it seems to be causing all kinds of chaos with their app. I may just pick up a cheap ipad to be able to use all the functions of this gimbal but it sucks having to do that. 

A message shown after I download APK file and try yo install: "There was a problem while parsing the package". Did some research and tried to give permissions to install third parties, remove firewall and antivirus... still can't install apk.

Same, I couldn't even get the APK to install when I tried it. 

Moza asked me to download apk via a url link, but i already tried that. It's the same app from Google store and still crashes and exits app while scanning.

Tuan, it's not at current,  support sent me a link to download the APK and the package they sent won't install on my phone.  If they give me a solution that works I'll post it here so that you and the other Android users have it, if anyone else gets this working please let us know what you did. 

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Master app won't connect with slypod pro...
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