
Moza mini MX stopped working

My moza mini MX stopped working, iam from Karnataka, India. Is there any service center nearby or any other solution for this ?

16 人 有同样的问题

My moza mini s Gimble not working
i have the same problem and it solved.. you need to hard reset the gimbal.. just push the very small hole below the charging port with needle.. everything will fix and works properly..
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
My moza mini MX stopped working, iam from Raipur Chhattisgarh, India. Is there any service center nearby or any other solution for this ?
Hello. I bought my moza mini mz2 today and its on and nothing else happening. I am really upset about it.
My moza mini MX stopped working, iam from Kerala, India. Is there any service center nearby or any other solution for this ?

Moza Mini Mx stop working, also charging issue, while load mobile on gimbal its go shutdown

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