
stucked in Language selection

I just bought Aicross 2, I installed the firmware with smartphone, restarted, but I see only the language selection, cannot do nothing.

Pls check the image enclosed,

Thank You

This is possibly a setup menu. Have you tried clicking down on the right side of the wheel and selecting your language?

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.

I was pushing the red dot to ENTER the selection, but it works now selecting the right side.. well done, thanks

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.

No problem!

Hey Moza, you hiring?

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
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