
My Moza Mini MX doesn't work

I load my phone & turn in on. It picks the phone up & moves it into place then suddenly drops. The longest it held the phone up was around a minute. The phone is balance, it just won't hold it up. It's like it shuts off but it's still on.

7 人 有同样的问题

my moza miniMX don't work too after firmware update :(

blue led blink, but on APP i try connect and near MOZA MiniMX 9976 amber (!) placed.

try push hard reset button? but no result

Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Are you using the original MX or the MX2? Make sure you have everything unfolded and all the motors unlocked. Double check with the instructions that came with it that you’ve done this.
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
Hi Ilya ... Which cable ... Could you please share the link. Thank you very much.
Liquid error: translation data {:other=>"%{count} 人 "} can not be used with :count => 1. key 'one' is missing.
My moza mini mx gimbal not working properly. When i have pressed power on after that any keys not working and power off also not done. Power off done through reset pin. When i have try to upgrade moza mini mx firmware than massage is appeared target firmware is lower than current version. Please suggest me how to rectify this issue.
You solve the problem?

i have mini s essential same problem

My mini mx gimbal isn’t starting the light is only blinking and is not starting what to do ?
Mozamini MX gimbal is not working properly.if I am pressing the power button it is first start but the second time it's not starting.anybody can find the exact solution of this gimba.Please.

i check flex connectors and replace one of this. and gamble start work properly.

connectors under this cap.


brocken connectrors foto. replace parts find on aliexpress


i have the same problem and it solved.. you need to hard reset the gimbal.. just push the very small hole below the charging port with needle.. everything will fix and works properly..

I tried that but it still didn't work. I'll try again & hopefully it will work.

The original MX. And yes I made sure everything was unfolded and unlocked. I have a friend that isa big YouTuber that has the same gimbal, in fact he is the reason I bought it. I checked with him and he told me to check all of that as well. I did file a new support ticket. I have the Samsung Galaxy S22, my case is very hard to get off & it fits with the case on but I did fight with it & get it out of the case and it still did the same thing. It's like it shuts off but it's still on.

Is your phone too heavy for the gimbal?
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