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Moza aircross 2, error 8001

When I turn on my gimbal without balancing it or even attaching the camera it shows error 8001 . What should I do ?

25 people have this problem

Same issue with me

1 person likes this
How to solve it

same Problem with me help me please

same probel with me


I have same problem. Error 8001
Before error 8001 gimbal go itself on inseption mode
Moza aircross 2 error 8001
Same issue
Moza aircross 2 err 8001

HI, i've the same problem, anyone solved it? Thanks

I don't know, how Gudsen company expect that we decide to upgrade our gimbal system on new version of Moza product if I waiting more than two month for answer. Support is horible.

1 person likes this
Same issue err 8001

Hi Mam Sir.. Admin i have issue in my moza air cross 2 error 8001 any solution? 

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