can someone please help me with the moza air 2 sleep mode? thank you
Moza Air 2 stopped working and writes Error (1) !!!! Please, what is the problem, thank you.
I have more experience with the Sleep Mode now after shooting whole videoclip sessions. I did it with BM 6K pro that has got a tilting screen. That made some troubles using Moza Air 2S. If I grab the tilting screen for too long the gimbal turns into the sleep mode too fast.
How can I escape the sleep mode without turning the gimbal off and on?
The time of the sleep mode activation should be a little longer I guess.
I learned that any of the three axis locks can result in the sleep mode almost immediately the motors sense the fact. So be careful when unlocking the locks.
Still have this issue on Moza Mini Mi
Also ancountering sleep mode like all of a sudden. I think it is dangerous for the camera like 6K pro. There are uncontrolled movements of the gear. Please do sth about it as the collisions may damage the cameras.
7 people have this problem